Just For My VIP Viewers

Here's what to do next...


Download and read my eBook: Hormonal Harmony - A Simple Guide To Support Your Endocrine System


Get the Hormonal Harmony Assessments.  This may welll be the best $67 you have ever spent on your health.


Stay in touch via Social Media here:

“Since following Lori's advice for the last three months, I am enjoying seven to eight hours of sleep. I’ve started to dream again, which hasn’t happened in at least seven years. I have more energy & I’m starting to lose some of the excess weight. I can literally feel my body respond to stress differently as well and my skin conditions are improving.”  Camiah, Atlanta, GA

Meet Your Teacher: Lori Finlay
Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Certified Health Coach & Creation Coach, Speaker and Author
 About Lori 

Lori is a retired Clinical Nurse Specialist and adult Nurse Practitioner, with over 40 years’ experience in nursing. She is the survivor of Premature Menopause, 15 years of Chronic Fatigue, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Epstein Barre, Black Mold Toxicity, a Breast Cancer Scare and other life challenging symptoms. Because of this journey her pain has become her passion. She is a functional medicine hormone specialist, who uses the DUTCH test, DNA testing, and other functional medicine testing, to help women balance their hormones, overcome their fear and fatigue, crush and transform their life-sucking symptoms, patterns and beliefs, to create the Vitality they Crave.

Lori has been called a woman’s mind and body “tune up” specialist. She has helped guide countless women by sharing sound advice on living fit and staying healthy in mind, body, and attitude. Lori teaches women how to successfully recapture their Vitality while gracefully fulfilling their lives.

She streamlines through the barrage of information on health and wellness so they can spend their time on getting healthy—while sparing countless innocent partners and children from the “collateral damage.”

Whether coaching one-on-one, facilitating groups or working with seminar participants, her clients have recaptured their sanity, lowered their stress and revitalized their lives. The results are dramatic and lifestyle altering. Clients are then free to be their best selves.

She has appeared on large stages, cruise ships, the Martha Stewart Radio Show, Tampa's BLOOM Wellness TV show, and other podcasts. 
